
organize and share your sheet music
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ChordView helps you keep your music in one place, available for all your band members. Everyone gets to play.


Easily add and edit your songs

Adding chord sheets with your chord in just the right place is easy in our simple text editor. When playing your songs, they will appear in a very nice and readable layout.

Download well-formatted PDF chord sheets

Our chord sheets are extremely well-formatted and will assist your playing in a beautiful way.

Import existing songs into your collection

Besides adding your own songs to your collection, you can draw from our growing library of available songs by importing them into your collection.

Share with your band members and create set lists

Your band members will be able to see all the songs you see. You can also create set lists to prepare for specific gigs.

Transpose your songs with just a click

For playing your songs in a different key, you can transpose them without any pain.

OnSong integration for viewing on your iPad

Using our OnSong export functionalities, you can easily put all your songs on an iPad to use them in live gigs.

Generate a song book for your church or group

Select your own songs for a custom song book that includes just the songs you want, including proper indexes on theme or first line, whichever way you want them.

Free beta

We are currently improving our website. During this beta stage, we offer free subscriptions! Sign up now, and enjoy free access to all the pro-features of ChordView.


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